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We are sending our heartfelt wishes for a swift and complete recovery to Edwin van der Sar, the esteemed former goalkeeper, who is currently stable in intensive care following a brain haemorrhage. Van der Sar’s resilience has always been an inspiring part of his persona, from defending goals on the football pitch to bravely facing health challenges off of it.

As fans, colleagues, and well-wishers around the world rally behind him, we share the link to The Guardian’s article which provides more detailed information about his condition: Edwin van der Sar in Intensive Care.

This unfortunate event serves as a stark reminder of the importance of early detection and prevention of health risks like brain aneurysms. Knowledge and awareness are key in managing such risks. We invite you to explore to learn more about the screening and diagnosis processes for brain aneurysms, helping you and your loved ones stay informed and prepared. Your health is your most valuable asset; let’s prioritise it together

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