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 6-Week Health and Productivity Programme!

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Join Dr Mahmud in a transformative 6-week programme promoting physical and mental health to optimise productivity.  This programme, conducted over Zoom, is ideal for individuals or teams keen to realise more of their capabilities and focus on results.

Programme Outline & Learning Objectives

Introduction & Assessment

Get acquainted with the programme and Dr Mahmud.
Take a personal well-being and productivity assessment.

Aim: Understand the programme’s goals and assess your current well-being and productivity levels.

Physical Health Fundamentals

Delve into the role of nutrition, sleep, and exercise in productivity.
Aim: Learn the basic principles of maintaining good physical health for improved productivity.

Mental Health Essentials

Uncover stress management techniques, mindfulness, and emotional regulation.
Aim: Understand the importance of mental health in maintaining productivity and learn techniques to manage stress and improve mental well-being.

Cognitive Techniques for Productivity

Master strategies for focus, motivation, and time management.
Aim: Acquire cognitive strategies to improve productivity.

Building Resilience & Growth Mindset

Understand resilience and the growth mindset for long-term productivity.
Aim: Learn how to develop resilience and cultivate a growth mindset to sustain productivity.

Review & Personal Productivity Plan

Review key learnings, Q&A.
Craft a personal productivity plan.
Aim: Reinforce critical learning and develop a personalised plan to optimise productivity moving forward.

Who Is This For?


Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or part of a larger team, this programme can help you maximise your productivity, manage stress, and enhance physical and mental well-being.


Those in academia can benefit from improved focus, stress management techniques, and the ability to perform at a high level, particularly during intensive study periods.

Personal Development Enthusiasts

This programme would be a suitable choice for those dedicated to self-improvement and seeking an edge in their personal and professional lives.

Companies & Organisations

This could be a valuable training opportunity for employees, enhancing individual performance, team cohesion, and overall workplace wellbeing.

Our Pricing Plan

Standard Plan

£ 500

Per Programme
  • 6 weeks
  • 2-hour weekly Zoom sessions
  • Personal study
Sign Up Now

Join us and make an investment in yourself today!

Be Curious About You

Explor your biology for healthier, happier, and more productive future.

“Any kind of freedom is pretty meaningless without health.” Dan Sullivan


YouOptimised I London Osteoporosis Clinic,

HCA the Shard

32 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9BS

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London Osteoporosis Clinic,
HCA the Shard,
32 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9BS
T: 020 7193 7867